The Pleasant Brook neighborhood is also home to a neighborhood pool located at 23R Mason Street, and is often referred to as the "Mason Street Pool". The pool is a wonderful asset to its members, who are comprised of property owners in Pleasant Brook and other Lexington residents. The pool house is original to the neighborhood, whose vertical tongue-and-groove cedar siding and shallow-pitched roof were designed to be an architectural extension of the rest of the neighborhood.
While the pool resides on land set-aside in the original Pleasant Brook subdivision, it is operated by a separate, non-profit corporation, the Pleasant Brook Pool Corporation. The pool corporation has a governing board of directors comprised of elected shareholding members of the pool, and this board is separate and distinct from the Pleasant Brook neighborhood board of trustees. The corporation has around 50 shareholders who meet once annually to elect board members, consider the appropriation of funds for various maintenance projects, and adjust the annual membership fees. The corporation each year also admits a limited number of persons or families as “summer members” for the swimming season. The maximum number of summer memberships and the summer membership fee are determined each year by vote of the shareholders at the annual meeting. Summer members have rights as determined by the pool board of directors, but do not have any of the rights of shareholders.
The corporation limits the total number of pool users per season to ensure an enjoyable swimming experience by keeping the pool from becoming overcrowded, and there is a multi-year waitlist for those wishing to become summer members. However, Pleasant Brook property owners do not have to wait to become members and have a right to purchase a pool share at any time.
Should a Pleasant Brook homeowner rent their property, the homeowner may purchase a share and permit their renters to pay the maintenance fee for the pool. For new homeowners moving into the neighborhood, pool share does not come with the purchase of a Pleasant Brook house -- you may buy a share when you move-in, and then you sell-back your share, for the same amount of money, when you leave the neighborhood. Shareholders who wishes to use the pool during a season pay a maintenance fee, the amount of which is determined at the annual meeting each year. Shareholders not wishing to use the pool, and notifies the pool Board of their intention no later than the first of April, must pay a sustaining fee and forfeits all rights to the use of the pool that season.
To inquire about joining the pool or purchasing a share, please contact the membership chair for the Pleasant Brook Pool Corporation.